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House of Communication Friedenstraße 24
Munich Bavaria 81671
Электронная почта:

Florian Haller

Florian Haller

Managing Partner | CEO
Alexander Schill

Alexander Schill

Managing Partner | Creative & Innovation
Markus Noder

Markus Noder

Managing Partner | International

Общая информация

Основной Опыт: Полный комплекс услуг, Цифровой, Мобильный, Социальные медиа, Электронная коммерция, Топ-менеджер, Web Design, Маркетинг / Творческие услуги, Шоппер-маркетинг / торговая точка /маркетинговая акция, Прямой / Теле / Маркетинг базы данных /система управления информацией о клиентах, Экспериментальный, Брендированный контент / Развлечения, Исследование рынка / Консалтинг, Маркетинговые технологии / Аналитика, Публичные отношения, Закупка средств рекламы / Планирование, Корпоративные коммуникации, Защита репутации в условиях кризиса, Связи с общественностью, События / Спонсорство, Брендинг / Разработка продукта, Упаковка/Дизайн, Design, Визуальный / звуковая идентичность, Брендинг / "звёздная" реклама, Издательство / Печать /Издание по заказу, Стратегия и планирование, Другие, Технологии, Онлайн-сервисы, Бизнес сегмент, Мультикультурные

Основан в: 1970

Премии: 1229

Портфолио: 329

Клиенты: 26

Основной Опыт: Полный комплекс услуг, Цифровой, Мобильный, Социальные медиа, Электронная коммерция, Топ-менеджер, Web Design, Маркетинг / Творческие услуги, Шоппер-маркетинг / торговая точка /маркетинговая акция, Прямой / Теле / Маркетинг базы данных /система управления информацией о клиентах, Экспериментальный, Брендированный контент / Развлечения, Исследование рынка / Консалтинг, Маркетинговые технологии / Аналитика, Публичные отношения, Закупка средств рекламы / Планирование, Корпоративные коммуникации, Защита репутации в условиях кризиса, Связи с общественностью, События / Спонсорство, Брендинг / Разработка продукта, Упаковка/Дизайн, Design, Визуальный / звуковая идентичность, Брендинг / "звёздная" реклама, Издательство / Печать /Издание по заказу, Стратегия и планирование, Другие, Технологии, Онлайн-сервисы, Бизнес сегмент, Мультикультурные

Основан в: 1970

Премии: 1229

Портфолио: 329

Клиенты: 26

Serviceplan Group

House of Communication Friedenstraße 24
Munich Bavaria 81671
Электронная почта:
Florian Haller

Florian Haller

Managing Partner | CEO
Alexander Schill

Alexander Schill

Managing Partner | Creative & Innovation
Markus Noder

Markus Noder

Managing Partner | International

‘Human Heart. Out of stock’: German organ donors encouraged to respond to shortage of hearts with Mediaplus Group campaign for Über Leben Foundation

Over 10,000 people in Germany live in constant fear of death, because they are waiting, sometimes for years, for life-saving organs. On average three of them die every day, since annually there are only 955 people who donate their organs after death.

Munich, 11 April 2019 — In Germany, a country with an extreme shortage of organ donors, if only you could order a life-saving organ online. After all you can buy almost everything else online, often with a next-day delivery. However, many seriously ill people wait many years for a donor heart, often dying before receiving one.

So Mediaplus Group and Plan.Net Group collaborated on ‘HUMAN Heart. Out of stock’ – a campaign for the Über Leben Foundation designed to illustrate how many lives could be saved if more people signed up as a donor or made donations. An extraordinary online BILD shop was launched, carrying an offer with all the usual data and details, but the item was particularly unusual: a human heart.

Mediaplus Group and Plan.Net Group also used a multi-platform content management system in order to be able to display the "product ad" with the donor heart across all channels. Unfortunately, visitors to the page found that the heart was out of stock. The product page explained the reason: because there aren’t enough donors in Germany to alleviate the situation of patients awaiting transplant. With just two clicks visitors to the website could fill in an organ donor card.

In Germany you can voluntarily carry a donor card with you. The message of the campaign was to encourage people to carry a donor card: you can’t place an order to rescue your own life. One reason for the low number of donors in Germany is that many people have not yet made a decision on the question of whether they would like to donate their organs in the event of their death or filled in their organ donation card.

As a result of the initiative there was an increase of 220% in the number of people requesting the donor card, and 2.5 million media impressions resulted from the campaign.

Jorit Ness, Managing Director, Foundation Über Leben commented: “The action was unmistakably clear – no life on order. In order to improve the situation of the organ donation in Germany lastingly, it is essential that many more people make the decision to donate during their lifetime. People need to decide whether they would like to save another life in the event of their own death. Only about one third of the German population has an organ donor card – we wanted to change that with this campaign.” 

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