ЗаголовокThe Youngest Candidate #EqualPay
Кампания Girls Fight For Equal Pay
Рекламодатель Plano de Menina (Girl's Plan)
Бренд Plano de Menina (Girl's Plan)
PostedМай 2019
Бизнес сектор Информированность о расовых / этнических / связанных с меньшинствами вопросов / проблем инвалидности
История Plano de Menina (Girl's Plan), a social initiative whose goal is to give a voice and opportunities to underprivileged girls throughout Brazil, offering courses and workshops on financial education, entrepreneurship, career building, self-esteem, law, citizenship, and other subjects, created the #EqualPay movement in partnership with BETC/Havas, in order to call on public institutions, employers and society at large to reflect on and promote positive initiatives that contribute to making equal pay between men and women a reality. Research shows that for women to earn the same as men, they need to begin their professional life 10 years earlier. The unfairness of this situation is evidenced through the character Heloisa Teodoro, a 10-year-old Plano de Menina student.
Тип медиа Анализ ситуации
Рекламное Агентство
Исполнительный креативный директор
film production

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