ЗаголовокCough 2
BriefOur perception of certain behaviours such as coughing in public has changed enormously with the pandemic. Coughing in public, regardless of where and when, is now suspicious and reprehensible.Made to soothe sore throats, Valda lozenges are the answer to prevent these socially embarrassing moments. Thanks to Valda, you can be cough-free in 2020.
Кампания Cough
Рекламодатель Wampole
Бренд Lozenges
PostedДекабрь 2020
Бизнес сектор Безрецептурные препараты (обезболивающие, от простуды и гриппа, ...)
История Valda is a brand of lozenges designed to clear the respiratory tract and relieve sore throats, dry coughs, and nasal congestion. They are available in different flavours.
Тип медиа Радио
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