ЗаголовокThe Children's General Assembly
BriefAccording to Unicef, 60 % of children feel betrayed by their governments. Children will live with the consequences of the decisions made by the politicians. Yet children are left out of influence.How can we teach children about the beauty of democracy if their voices are never heard?In the Capital of Children we believe in children’s competences. Here children helped form the idea:To create the children’s version of the United Nations General Assembly. Children from more than 50 countries signed up and cocreated speaches and a joint manifesto.On 21 September 2021 the United Nations met in New York and the united children met in Billund.The children delivered their manifesto to representatives of states, the president of the 71. UN General Assembly and thousands participating children.
Кампания The Children's General Assembly
Рекламодатель Capital of Children
Бренд Capital of Children

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PostedНоябрь 2021
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