Pierre Coulier
Копирайтер at Publicis Conseil
Paris, France
BriefICM set out to raise money to fund research that can defeat Parkinson’s disease with an immersive film experience to give viewers a glimpse into life with the disease. As we follow the main character through key moments of his life, we see his hands tremble with emotion ౼ when he’s bullied, when he becomes a father. With a simple YouTube API hack, the smartphone’s vibrating alert synchronizes with these moments, briefly shaking viewers’ hands. But when he begins to tremble later in life with Parkinson’s, the vibration continues for the remainder of the film. The only way to stop the shaking is to donate.
Кампания #ShakeParkinsonsOff
Рекламодатель ICM (Institut du cerveau et de la Moelle épinière)
Бренд ICM
PostedНоябрь 2018
Бизнес сектор Институциональные/общественного интереса/некоммерческие организации
История Parkinson is a disease that affects 160,000 people in France. About 8,000 new cases are reported each year.
Тип медиа Мобильная реклама
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