Философия & Преимущества над конкурентами

Aquent Consulting's objective for agency selection is always to execute a “best practice” qualitative and quantitative agency screening and review process of all agencies that meet the approved selection criteria to enable the creation of a successful, long-term client/agency partnership.

Because agency economics - i.e., salaries, overhead and profit - are benchmarkable across the same type, size, location and ownership of agency - most clients seeking significant agency relationships want to understand how their fee components compare to the industry when negotiating with agencies.

Agency hours and total cost to complete defined deliverables are also benchmarkable. (Aquent Consulting has developed benchmarks for 95% of all agency creative deliverables, based on past deliverable compensation assessments).

Aquent Consulting's unique affiliation with Aquent LLC, the world's leading provider of creative talent to agencies, provided us with a unique trove of up-to-the-minute benchmark salary and deliverables data.

Aquent is also the U.S.'s 15th largest Minority Business Enterprise. 

Торговые организации

American Institute of Graphic Arts (United States)
American Marketing Association (United States)