Контактная информация

Drottninggatan 89
Stockholm 113 60
Телефон: 8 52 80 77 70
Электронная почта:

Общая информация

Основан в: 2002

Премии: 28

Клиенты: 10

Основан в: 2002

Премии: 28

Клиенты: 10

Great Works

Drottninggatan 89
Stockholm 113 60
Телефон: 8 52 80 77 70
Электронная почта:

Об Агенстве

We are an award-winning, full service digital marketing agency with offices in Stockholm, New York, Tokyo and Shanghai. We bring attention to some of the best brands in the world with interactive campaigns, magazines, machines, movies, songs, websites and games.

About a million years ago, or maybe just a decade, advertisements told consumers what to like. Sneaky or straightforward, the big idea was to tell the little people what to want. But then the world became more digital and things went topsy-turvy. Top-down became taboo and a new kind of agency was needed. Necessity being the mother of invention, Great Works was born in Stockholm, Sweden way back at the end of the twentieth century. Since our humble beginning in 2002, Great Works has created innovative, interactive campaigns for several of the world’s top brands such as Absolut, Electrolux, H&M and Nokia. We create movies, games, songs, and websites that get people interested in our clients’ brands. We invent new ways to communicate, to present information and to have fun.


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Бренд: Audi

Бренд: Carlsberg

Бренд: Electrolux

Бренд: JC

Бренд: Jelly Belly

Бренд: Absolut Vodka

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