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Общая информация

Основной Опыт: Полный комплекс услуг, Мобильный, Социальные медиа, Электронная коммерция, Топ-менеджер, Web Design, Маркетинг / Творческие услуги, Экспериментальный, Брендированный контент / Развлечения, Исследование рынка / Консалтинг, Маркетинговые технологии / Аналитика, Закупка средств рекламы / Планирование, Design, Визуальный / звуковая идентичность, Брендинг / "звёздная" реклама, Стратегия и планирование

Основан в: 1996


Сотрудники: 1500

Премии: 27

Портфолио: 45

Клиенты: 16

Основной Опыт: Полный комплекс услуг, Мобильный, Социальные медиа, Электронная коммерция, Топ-менеджер, Web Design, Маркетинг / Творческие услуги, Экспериментальный, Брендированный контент / Развлечения, Исследование рынка / Консалтинг, Маркетинговые технологии / Аналитика, Закупка средств рекламы / Планирование, Design, Визуальный / звуковая идентичность, Брендинг / "звёздная" реклама, Стратегия и планирование

Основан в: 1996


Сотрудники: 1500

Премии: 27

Портфолио: 45

Клиенты: 16

Critical Mass

209 10th Avenue South Suite 507
Nashville TN 37203
Телефон: 1 615 252 2208
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Travel Alberta takes a breath of fresh content

Travel Alberta has updated the creative in its long-standing brand platform as it shifts to a more “always on” content strategy.

The destination marketer launched its “Remember to Breathe” platform in 2011, with creative showcasing the landscapes and scenery of the province that create goosebump-inducing moments.

But as audiences have evolved, so must its strategy, prompting the organization to move from being a campaign marketer to an “always on publisher,” says Tannis Gaffney, VP of global consumer marketing for Travel Alberta.

While the brand platform remains “Remember to Breathe,” with its updated strategy and creative, the organization has shifted to targeting adventure-hungry millennials who value spontaneity and experiences, she says.

The new creative still highlights breathtaking visuals, but it aims to put viewers and travellers more at the centre of the action, something the previous creative didn’t do, says Jared Folkmann, group strategy director at Critical Mass, Travel Alberta’s agency partner.

That said, the campaign is still highlighting exciting, shareable moments, like dog sledding and ice climbing, but through the lens of millennial travellers, including influencers.

The updated “Remember to Breathe” content includes two anthem spots – “Ready” and “Ready to Winter” – but also various video content of different lengths and a multitude of still photography for Travel Alberta’s social channels. The brand has also been leveraging more user-generated content through its social media channels, Gaffney notes.

For this iteration, the brand also used Google’s Jump virtual reality video offering to create as series of 360-degree videos. While they’re being used online, they are also a valuable asset for Travel Alberta’s trade marketing teams, Gaffney says. The updated content also includes “Ready to Roam” videos, each over 90 minutes, showing the drives between various locations in the province and all that can be seen along the way. 

- Read more at: http://strategyonline.ca/2017/10/04/travel-alberta-takes-a-breath-of-fresh-content/