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Кампания When Dana-Farber makes a discovery, the world changes.
Рекламодатель Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Бренд Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
PostedАвгуст 2023
Бизнес сектор Институциональные/общественного интереса/некоммерческие организации
История Challenge: One of the leading cancer research and treatment centers in the world, Dana-Farber’s discoveries have transformed the cancer treatment landscape for 72 years. Yet outside New England, top-of-mind awareness is low. IPNY’s campaign builds national presence while confronting the viewer with the impact of Dana-Farber’s breakthroughs and explains why “what we do here changes lives everywhere.”

Results: Despite the ongoing pandemic, this campaign has shown strong growth in awareness and key brand imagery measures among valuable Health Care Influencer segments.
Тип медиа Digital

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