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Узнать больше Ogilvy UK

Ogilvy has been growing brands and businesses since 1948. We continue that rich legacy through borderless creativity— operating, innovating, and creating at the intersection of talent and capabilities. We believe impact and magic lies at this intersection. Our experts in Advertising, Growth & Innovation, Public Relations, Experience and Health work fluidly across 132 offices in 82 countries, seamlessly connecting and accessing deep cultural insights.

Последние новости

Nudgestock, the world’s biggest Behavioural Science festival, returns.

Ogilvy UK’s Rory Sutherland hosts the world’s top marketing psychologists, neuroscientists and behavourial economists, including Jonathan Haidt, live on stage talking Time  

Nudgestock, the global celebration of consumer behaviour and creativity, will return live to London’s Old Truman Brewery on the 5th July. Ogilvy Consulting’s acclaimed all-day festival for CMOs and brand leaders, now in its 12th year, will welcome eight of the leading authorities across marketing, psychology, neuroscience and behavioural economics to the stage. The speakers will unpack the challenges of this year’s theme – Time – deconstructing the critical impact time has on consumer relationships, habits and behaviours.   

This year Nudgestock’s speakers are bigger than ever. Jonathan Haidt, the world’s leading psychologist and author challenging Gen Zs toxic relationship with technology, andTara Swart,the top neuroscientist, medical doctor and author of global bestseller The Source. The festival also welcomes Nava Ashraf, renowned behavioural economist pioneering research into why we’re wired to live in nothing but the present, and celebrated writer and speaker Oliver Burkeman, to the stage. Burkeman has built a loyal following on finding meaning in our finite time on Earth.  

Each speaker will share radical views grounded in science and creativity to spark fierce debate about how time can be the solution to brand problems and beyond. From the soaring number of hours spent on smartphones and dopamine retail to an obsession with instant gratification, understanding the power and potential of time has become crucial table stakes for marketers. Attendees will gain an unparalleled look into the way time governs customer behaviour.  

Dan Bennett, behavioural science lead, Ogilvy UK:“Time is one of the most powerful and effective tools marketers can leverage. But brands aren’t taking advantage of the psychology of time, whether that’s knowing what time of day customers are more receptive or how to inspire our future generations to care about their futures. Nudgestock 2024 will be packed with insights tackling the most pressing marketing challenges keeping CMO’s awake at night.”  

Rory Sutherland, vice chairman, Ogilvy UK: “To borrow a convention from the Superbowl,  Nudgestock XII will be the most exciting yet. Behavioral science redefines how brands connect with their consumer in terms of creativity, in terms of engagement and in terms of impact. But it isn't about how many people come to Nudgestock, or stream it, that makes our festival different, it's the fact that no one leaves with their mind unenlarged - or your money back!” 

More speakers will be announced soon.  

Tickets are on sale now – click here. 

Watch Nudgestock’s 2024 launch video here. 

Speakers include: 

Jonathan Haidt 

No time like the present – time to act on an anxious generation 

Jonathan Haidt is a leading social psychologist, prolific TED Talker and a multi-New York Times bestselling author. His book The Anxious Generation provides one of the most comprehensive and profound looks at the way technology is warping the minds of young people. Jonathan will show how our phones are stealing billions of children’s time and shaping a future generation. 


Dr Tara Swart  

Time to change – neuroplasticity and manifestation  

Fresh from Diary of a CEO, Tara Swart, bestselling author of The Source, is a top neuroscientist and medical doctor. She will take attendees through a unique journey exploring how our brains and bodies can gatekeep us from success and opportunities, and the power of manifestation to grow in your career. 


Oliver Burkeman 

You’re going to die – your limited life and how to spend it 

Oliver Burkeman is a best-selling author, TV presenter and keynote speaker. He’s been a columnist for The Guardian and contributed to everything from the New York Times to the Wall Street Journal. He’s amassed a devoted following for his compelling writing on productivity and mortality. He will talk about the power of recognising your mortality and the psychology behind understanding our finite time on Earth. 


Nava Ashraf 

Save Time Tomorrow – Time Psychology Masterclass 

Nava Ashraf is a professor at LSE and highly regarded behavioural economist. She will illuminate attendees thinking about time and help to the unwrap the power of ‘hyperbolic discounting’ and demonstrate the latest studies of commitment devices that show how we can encourage everything from healthy behaviours to saving money.

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