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There must have been 60 racks of clothes, 3 tailors, 3 seamstresses, several AD’s and too many accessories to list.  Читать больше


This sound book shows the sounds animals really make in today’s world through six powerful, shocking tales.   Читать больше


From the beginning, guests were drawn into a peculiar world with surprise and delight moments — magic, oddity of scale, and something new around...  Читать больше


This is a Warriors spot, but it’s also a love letter to the Bay Area and its residents, who are all part of Dub Nation.  Читать больше


The&Partnership brings the joy of the Argos catalogue to UK audiences.  Читать больше


Orange launched its new Christmas campaign with Publicis Conseil around its star offer, the "Connected House" and a theme worthy of our childhood...  Читать больше


The Dutch climate protection organization Justdiggit and Havas Germany have joined forces to create visibility for one of the most successful...  Читать больше


With my background in music videos and fashion films I knew I would be able to inject this campaign with a different level of energy.  Читать больше


Everyone, from the clients at CIBC, the centre in Camrose, the town and Crystal, were all behind the idea and helped out in every way.  Читать больше


The campaign seeks to be part of the Halloween conversation in an organic way, while at the same time, telling Colombia the immense variety of...  Читать больше