Cadin Batrack
Графический дизайнер at Curtis Birch, Inc.
Venice, United States
Кампания MOTION
Рекламодатель Thor MX
Бренд Thor
PostedЯнварь 2007
Продукт Motocross Gear and Apparel
Бизнес сектор Спортивная одежда
Слоган Moto in Motion
История The spot showcases all disciplines of the sport of motocross - motocross, supercross, supermoto and freestyle - in the most visually arresting way imaginable. The spot dramatically showcases the dyamic nature of all aspects of the sport and brings the brand's "moto in motion" tagline to life.
Проблема We were required to feature four of the top riders in the world in the spot. Fans of the sport have been innundated with highlight footage of these same riders. Our problem to solve was this: how do we showcase this same action in a way that has never been seen before?
Тип медиа Телевидение
Рынок Canada, United States
Исполнительный креативный директор
Animation Director
Графический дизайнер
Продакшн Студия
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Послепроизводственный этап
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