Peter Bailey
Агент фотографа at Townhouse
London, United Kingdom
ЗаголовокSauvignon Genie
Кампания Created by Rosemount
Рекламодатель Rosemount Estate
Бренд Rosemount
Дата первой трансляции/Публикации 2009 / 7
Продукт Sauvignon Blanc
Бизнес сектор Вина, шампанские
философия A campaign which centres around Rosemount as being "creators of wine" in bringing the wines to live in a visually creative way
Проблема Create a campaign which reflects Rosemount’s creative, innovative and refreshing approach to making wines. As their commitment to keeping things fresh, and making wine interesting and exciting as possible, is what sets them apart from the competition. Whereas other wine brands simply ‘produce’ wine, Rosemount approach winemaking with a creativity and craftsmanship which sets them apart – as creators, not producers.
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