Nemi Gajic
Копирайтер at Havas Group Switzerland
Zürich, Switzerland
Кампания Quick Sex - Swiss Health Department
Рекламодатель Schweizer Bundesamt für Gesundheit
Бренд Swiss Health Department
PostedНоябрь 2009
Бизнес сектор Информированность о болезнях, группы поддержки и ассоциации
Слоган Love Life. Stop AIDS
История The narrative compression of typical dating situations dramatizes the risk of an HIV infection that comes with forgetting protective behavior in the heat of the moment. “Too quick to think of condoms? ” is a serious prevention message from the Swiss Department of Health, wrapped in a funny very-short-story which gains its momentum by a fresh use of a time-based medium.
Тип медиа Телевидение
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