Caroline Lorin
Креативная команда at DDB Paris
Puteaux Cedex, France
ЗаголовокKeep Truth Alive
Кампания Keep Truth Alive
Рекламодатель UNESCO
Дата первой трансляции/Публикации 2019 / 11
Бизнес сектор Права человека
Слоган Over 1000 journalists have been killed in 12 years. Not only in warzones, but also at home. On the corner of their street. On the corner of your streeet. Deliberately. In cold blood. They were investigating topics some people wanted to keep hidden. To learn more about each of these deaths and demand justice:
История When journalists seek truth, they too often find death. Over the last 12 years, 1,000 journalists have been killed worldwide. Though we tend to believe war zones are where they lose their lives, that is far from the complete picture. Many are assassinated in their homes or on the corner of a street—even your street. In ordinary, everyday settings. They are killed in cold blood. With intent. With impunity. To silence truth when it bothers some. The Keep Truth Alive campaign will unveil four visuals showing us that day-to-day life can be especially menacing for a journalist. And an interactive Google Maps page will reveal the hundreds upon hundreds of assassinations that have claimed journalists’ lives around the world over the last 25 years. Each website visitor will be invited to support the project and spread the word.
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