Thibaut Delelis
Ассоциированный креативный директор at McCann Montreal
Montreal, Canada
ЗаголовокWrite for Rights
Кампания Write for Rights 2019
Рекламодатель Amnesty International Canada
Бренд Amnesty International
PostedДекабрь 2019
Бизнес сектор Институциональные/общественного интереса/некоммерческие организации
Слоган Write for Rights.
История Every year, in observance of International Human Rights Day on December 10, millions of letters are sent to the persecuted from people they’ve never met. The messages help convince government officials to release the imprisoned for expressing their opinion, stop the use of torture and end other human rights violations. It’s all done in connection with Amnesty International’s “Write for Rights” campaign - and, once again, Cossette has offered its services to help raise awareness for this global endeavour in French Canada. Last year, Amnesty supporters sent around 6 million messages from 200 countries and, going on its 14th year, the cause will now focus on those under the age of 25 who are leading forces of change. To assist, Cossette has prepared fresh and modern creative - communicating the fact that these letters not only have a direct impact on someone's life, but on governments and countries as a whole. To help place the creative, Cossette Media has rallied its media partners, including: La Presse, Bell Media, Cogeco, Groupe Capitale Médias, Journal Métro, TC and Publicité Sauvage - who have all generously provided media space across a host of channels, such as digital, radio, print and OOH in the province of Québec.
Тип медиа На открытом воздухе / вне дома
Креативная команда
Специалист по работе с заказчиками
Креативная команда
Креативная команда
Креативная команда
Креативная команда
Управляющий службой средств рекламы
Менеджер по рекламе
Менеджер по рекламе
Менеджер по рекламе
Креативная команда
Специалист по работе с заказчиками
Продюсер печати
Продюсер печати
Управляющий службой средств рекламы

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