Tommy Wilson
Executive Producer at Humanaut
United States
ЗаголовокThe game that goes there 1
Кампания The Game That Goes There
Рекламодатель The LIV Project
Бренд The LIV Project
PostedОктябрь 2020
Бизнес сектор Благотворительные организации, фонды, волонтеры
История The national and soon-to-be global initiative was designed to reduce suicides among 12- to 24-year-olds and help families and friends connect and communicate. The program, which was envisioned as “a creative collective creating experiences, games and products aimed at championing fearless communication,” provides tools to eliminate the stigma of mental-health issues and reverse the soaring suicide rate, while many others simply preach them. Suicide is the second-leading cause of death in the U.S. among this age segment.

The horrifyingly hilarious party game where players have to guess which messed-up thought was yours. And you find out everyone is really a scared, lonely, on-edge, chemical soup of emotions, pretending to be okay, just like you! The game is designed to spark real and honest discussion and normalize the uncomfortable thoughts that can lead to suicide and gives people an opportunity to be heard and get help if it’s needed.
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