Ercan Akkaya
Creative Director at Publicis Groupe
İstanbul, Turkey
ЗаголовокWorld's Smartest Radio Spot
Кампания World's Smartest Radio Spot
Рекламодатель Mercedes-Benz
Бренд smart
PostedДекабрь 2020
Бизнес сектор Компактные и маленькие автомобили
История When it comes to radio ads, automobile sales campaigns dominate the block most of the time. Therefore, it’s not easy to get attention from the mass audience.So we decided to use the radio block in a smart and a tiny way. We made a tiny and smart radio ad that fits everywhere. Just like smart… And we parked this 0.84-second long ad between other car ads.With The World’s Smartest Radio Spot, we uniquely visualized our product promise tininess.
Проблема People usually can’t differ a radio spot from others or they can’t remember what those ads say at all. To make a difference and get everyone’s attention, we wanted to make a radio ad that reflects the main feature of our brand: Tinyness.Smart presents: World's Smartest Radio Spot
Тип медиа Радио
Менеджер по рекламе
Менеджер по рекламе
Менеджер по рекламе
Менеджер по рекламе
Руководитель группы по связям с рекламодателями
Менеджер сообщества
Менеджер проекта
Руководитель производства
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