Marcus Prado
Motion Graphics Designer & Editor at Landia
São Paulo, Brazil
ЗаголовокNipple Freedom
Кампания Nipple Freedom
Рекламодатель Instituto Azmina
Бренд Instituto Azmina
Дата первой трансляции/Публикации 2017 / 5
Бизнес сектор Институциональные/общественного интереса/некоммерческие организации
философия Hundreds of thousands of women all around the world suffer the consequences of sexism. On the street, at home, and especially on the internet. On Facebook it’s no different. And the biggest proof is the censorship that their bodies suffer on the platform when the images of their nipples are considered “offensive or inappropriate” content. But what the social network doesn’t understand is that this doesn’t protect women—it only objectifies their bodies even more. So, we found a way to break this taboo and fight for equal rights on a social network that is not open to talk about it. To question gender inequality on the platform, we became cyber activists: we created a tool that outsmarts Facebook’s censorship algorithms. When you post pictures in sequence on social media, automatically, an album in mosaic form is created on the timeline. So, we used it to our advantage: by cutting a picture of a woman’s nipple in 4 pieces. The combination of the pictures formed an image of a breast that bypassed Facebook’s “nipple ban” algorithms, helping thousands of women to fight for equal rights and freedom of expression in the biggest digital “mass nipple protest” in the world.
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