Clark Moreland
Social Animation at Jogger Studios
ЗаголовокThe V.O.D.K.A. Conference
Кампания Vodka is for Fun
Рекламодатель Heaven Hill Distilleries
Бренд Deep Eddy Vodka
Дата первой трансляции/Публикации 2023 / 8
Бизнес сектор Алкогольные напитки
История Deep Eddy Vodka - one of the fastest growing premium spirits in the U.S. - will host the first-ever V.O.D.K.A. Conference on August 25th. It’s a fake, online conference designed for workers who are craving time off for fun experiences. The V.O.D.K.A. Conference (an acronym for Virtually Optimized Developmental Knowledge Assembly) will block your calendar so you can go have fun with your friends instead. 
The activation is Deep Eddy’s first initiative under its new brand platform, “Vodka is for Fun,” which is all about reminding the world of the greatness of vodka; it’s the spirit that gets along with everyone. What else can turn the juice of a tomato into instant good times, or make a martini the non-elderly will desire? Alone among the spirits, vodka stands for what all adults of drinking age really need out of a drink or two: an easy-going, ever-versatile, all-around good time. Bourbon is for thinking. Scotch is for business. Tequila is for trouble. But vodka? Vodka is for fun. 
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