Kate Osbourne
Медиа-планировщик at VCCP
London, United Kingdom
ЗаголовокThere's a Glass & a Half in Everyone: Lunchtime
Кампания There's a Glass & a Half in Everyone
Рекламодатель Mondelez International
Бренд Cadbury
Дата первой трансляции/Публикации 2023 / 10
Бизнес сектор Шоколад, батончики, конфеты, жевательная резинка
История Cadbury Dairy Milk has today launched its first audio ads celebrating real life moments of generosity as part of its ongoing ‘There’s a Glass and a Half in Everyone’ campaign, the series of five stories was created by global agency of record VCCP London.

Each 60” radio ad tells the story of a genuine moment of kindness drawn from across the UK. To showcase the power of generosity, the campaign uses an innovative 60 second media buy by Publicis Media to disrupt the usually cluttered ad breaks and allow the heartwarming acts of kindness to get the airtime they deserve and have listeners stop in their tracks to listen.

This is the first time the campaign has been extended to audio ads and posed a fresh challenge to the team in replicating the warmth and feelgood spirit of the AV campaign on the radio.

To do this they continued the storytelling formula which was the focus of the AV campaign and selected their favourite stories of everyday generosity, which were retold by voiceover artist and actor Aisling Loftus. The team avoided the use of sound effects to allow the stories to deliver their simple message with greater impact. Whilst the ads have no mention of chocolate they proudly demonstrate Cadbury’s values and show how generosity brings people together.
Тип медиа Радио
Рекламное Агентство
Менеджер по рекламе
Креативный директор
Исполнительный креативный директор
Исполнительный креативный директор
Креативная команда
Креативная команда
Коммерческий директор
Руководитель планирования группы
Продакшн Студия
Креативный продюсер
Директор рабочей группы клиента
Специалист по работе с заказчиками
Media Buying Agency/Media Planner
Voice Talent

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