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Общая информация

Основан в: 1966

Материнская компания:


Сотрудники: 127

Премии: 33

Портфолио: 1

Клиенты: 5

Y&R Mexico

Blvd. Manuel Avila Camacho 176 7° Piso
Mexico City Districto Federa 11700
Телефон: +52 55 1500 0006

Ramon Calderon

Chief Financial Officer & Vice-President

Телефон: 5-246-0000

Carlos Vizcaino

President & Managing Director

Телефон: 5-246-0000

Marco Zuniga

Executive Vice-President & Client Services Dir.

Телефон: 5-246-0000

Об Агенстве

We create living brands that are present and participatory. Interesting and interested.
Engaged and responsive. Defining culture that drives capital for our clients. 


Философия & Преимущества над конкурентами
Описание сети

Young & Rubicam Inc. and its worldwide affiliates operate 339 agencies, covering 73 countries around the world.