Контактная информация

1313 North Campbell Ave.
Chicago Illinois 60622
Телефон: 312.588.3701

Общая информация

Основной Опыт: Полный комплекс услуг, Цифровой, Социальные медиа, Маркетинг / Творческие услуги, Шоппер-маркетинг / торговая точка /маркетинговая акция, Экспериментальный, Исследование рынка / Консалтинг, Маркетинговые технологии / Аналитика, Публичные отношения, Закупка средств рекламы / Планирование, События / Спонсорство, Стратегия и планирование, Influence Marketing, Потребитель, Женщины

Основан в: 1998

Сотрудники: 50

Клиенты: 29

All Terrain

1313 North Campbell Ave.
Chicago Illinois 60622
Телефон: 312.588.3701
Paul Fitzpatrick

Paul Fitzpatrick

Director of Business Development & Marketing

Об Агенстве

All Terrain defined the leading edge of experiential marketing long before “experiential” was a thing. A catalyst for disruption, we capture and captivate brand’s consumers. We are a full-service marketing agency that develops and transforms brands.

All Terrain designs platforms and programs that make brands relevant and give them a platform to engage and cultivate with their consumers. We create world-class marketing strategies, activations, events, and campaigns that help brands forge real and lasting connections with consumers, create social currency, earn great press, and drive measurable results.

All Terrain was co-founded in 1998, and quickly grew into a national powerhouse agency that defined experiential marketing as we know it today. We are the first women founded and owned experiential agency in the United states.

Our revolutionary hub and spokes model curate project-specific teams of senior level talent, subject matter experts, and member agencies. We partner with clients and causes we are passionate about, designing exceptional campaigns that surprise, delight, disrupt and impact the bottom line. 


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