Контактная информация

240 Kent Ave
Brooklyn New York 11249
Телефон: 9173874319

Общая информация

Основной Опыт: Цифровой, Мобильный, Социальные медиа, Электронная коммерция, Топ-менеджер, Маркетинг / Творческие услуги, Брендированный контент / Развлечения, Исследование рынка / Консалтинг, Маркетинговые технологии / Аналитика, Брендинг / Разработка продукта, Упаковка/Дизайн, Технологии, Бизнес сегмент, Мультикультурные, Мультикультурный

Основан в: 2012

Сотрудники: 10

Клиенты: 5

Treemarie LLC

240 Kent Ave
Brooklyn New York 11249
Телефон: 9173874319

Об Агенстве

Established in 2012, Treemarie LLC is a proud woman owned Brooklyn based digital design agency providing impeccable results to our clients by approaching each project with fresh ideas and pushing boundaries for innovative design. We think big, design smart, always deliver on time and within budget without the overhead. We are ready to meet your needs and begin a successful relationship.


Философия & Преимущества над конкурентами

Established in 2012, Treemarie LLC is a proud woman owned Brooklyn based digital design agency providing impeccable results to our clients by approaching each project with fresh ideas and pushing boundaries for innovative design. We think big, design smart, always deliver on time and within budget without the overhead. We are ready to meet your needs and begin a successful relationship. 

We work with large and small companies, approaching every project with intelligence, creativity, and determination. We synthesize information about the consumer, company needs, the product implementation and execution to create designs and experiences that are intuitive, measurable and on-brand.

Think of Treemarie as your product and brand ambassador. Our collective talent, experience, work ethic, and extensive network of resources give us an edge in providing quality in a clutter of design choices. 

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