ЗаголовокLife of Service
Кампания Keep Growing
Рекламодатель Corteva
Бренд Corteva Agriscience
PostedЯнварь 2022
Бизнес сектор Сельское хозяйство, животноводство, рыболовство, лес
История When DOW Chemical merged with DuPont to form the world’s largest pure-play agriculture company, Corteva, Ogilvy was tasked with creating the name, brand, platform, marketing & advertising communications, and every other launch element for the new stand alone company. When Corteva launched on June 1, 2019, it was right in the teeth of a roiling agriculture industry beset by heat waves, trade conflicts, and plummeting prices. Furthermore, Corteva had to contend with the pre-existing controversies of both parent companies, whose histories cast long shadows.
We had to make sure the world knew Corteva was a new company, one who understood agriculture and understood its primary consumer - the farmers of America. We said we were going to be the voice of the farmer, and Corteva’s actions reinforced that.
Two years later, with $0 paid media budget and seeking to connect with their niche, core audience, Corteva tasked us with coming up with a plan to capture their hearts and minds through social and earned first executions.
Thus, in June of 2021, Corteva Agriscience launched the first episode of “The Heart of the Farm,” a new documentary series that shares the untold stories of the people who grow our food. The multi-part series challenges perceptions of the farming community by amplifying the diverse experiences and voices of farmers across America. The first installment of the series, “Growing with Pride,” debuted during Pride month 2021, spotlights Leon Etchepare, a 4th generation farmer at Emerald Farms based in Orland, CA. In the episode, Leon opens up about coming out to his parents, the life he is building with his long-time partner, Andrew Pentecost, and the experiences he has had as a gay man in an industry not often considered as a place where LGBTQ culture thrives.
This initial step into a more inclusive, more diverse company ethos is just scratching the surface of where Corteva aims to go and charts a new, brighter path for the brand’s future.
Тип медиа Веб-фильм

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