Контактная информация

Rua Caravelas 178, Vila Mariana
Sao Paulo CEP: 04012-060
Телефон: +1 818 8419446

Общая информация


Rua Caravelas 178, Vila Mariana
Sao Paulo CEP: 04012-060
Телефон: +1 818 8419446


BRAZILFILMS is a film production services company started in 1996 to service producers shooting in Brazil. The company consists of Brazilian and American film producers with a combined total of over 20 years of experience in film and television production from documentaries to feature films, from music videos to commercial films.

Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality within your budget.

We facilitate the production process no matter the size of the production.Brazilfilms provides film production services that include:

film permits
location scouting
customs brokerage
We have a long list of satisfied clients and we aim to make you one. We can provide all elements of film and video production at any phase in the production process from Development to Post Production. We have a team of experienced producers in Los Angeles and throughout Brazil who will work closely with you and your production team to ensure that you reach your goals. Brazilfilms works as the gateway to Brazilian film and television production — an ideal solution for Producers and Directors located outside of Brazil who are looking to produce in Brazil.

WHY BRAZIL? Brazil is the largest country in Latin America with a diverse population much like the United States. There are several regions with vastly different Landscapes, Cityscapes, and Coast Lines. Today Brazil can offer professional Crews and one of a kind Talent, recognized the world over as well as quality production and post production facilities for very competitive rates. 

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