Yannis Sideris
Исполнительный креативный директор at Ogilvy Greece
Gerakas, Greece
ЗаголовокSad but true
Кампания Sad but true
Рекламодатель Bold Ogilvy Greece
Бренд Bold Ogilvy Greece
Дата первой трансляции/Публикации 2018 / 11
Бизнес сектор Окружающая среда и вопросы экологии
Слоган Rethink plastic. Save the ocean
История Every year, 100.000 marine creatures die from plastic entanglement, globally. It’s a big number. It’s a sad number. But it’s a real number. This print ad was created on behalf of AllForBlue, in order to raise awareness on the impact of plastic use in marine life. We want people to rethink plastic and start using its numerous and equally useful, eco-friendly alternatives. It’s a small but crucial step one can make in order to save planet Earth.
Print advertisement created by Ogilvy, Greece for AllForBlue, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
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