Darren Leong
Креативный директор at BBH Singapore
Singapore, Singapore
ЗаголовокYouTube 'Bento Box'
BriefA little Chinese boy at a school overseas feels different and isolated. This is symbolised by his Asian rice box: a stark contrast to the other kids' lunchboxes. Soon he stops eating lunch. Mum notices and comes up with a solution. The next day, he opens his lunchbox to a surprise – lunch in the form of a cute panda, the symbol of his home. The other kids flock around to look. Don't change who you are: tell your story.
Кампания Youtube Bento Box
Рекламодатель Google
Бренд Youtube Academy
PostedНоябрь 2018
Бизнес сектор Интернет-сайты (за исключением интернет-провайдеров)
История This story is about a Chinese boy arriving on foreign soil. He’s new kid, and he’s also so different that he feels no one wants to get to know him. This is most evident everyday at lunch, where his Asian rice box is a stark contrast from the lunchboxes other kids full of sandwiches and fruits. How he wishes his lunch looked like theirs.As the days go by he gets more and more withdrawn – even leaving his lunches uneaten. Mum notices and knows there must be a way, without compromising who he is.The next day, he opens his lunchbox to a surprise – a beautiful bento depicting a cute Panda, the symbol of his hometown Chengdu. The other kids notice and flock around him. It’s the first step to his integration and making friends.So don’t change who you are, tell your story the right way.
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Креативный директор
Креативный директор
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