Farrukh Sharipov
Creative director at Synthesis creative lab
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
ЗаголовокWhat Will People Say?
Кампания What Will People Say?
Рекламодатель Pepsico
Бренд Energy Drink
Дата первой трансляции/Публикации 2023 / 8
Бизнес сектор Безалкогольные напитки, тоники
История In Uzbekistan, people live not for themselves, but for those around them. Every step, every action can be criticized. Don't dress like that, don't dye your hair this color, don't listen to that sort of music. Everything must follow the public opinion, and you can not stand in its way, or else what will people say?!Adrenaline Rush – a PepsiCo product, in collaboration with rappers and influencers such as Timur Alik'honov who didn't pay attention to what people say and became a popular blogger.Rapper Konsta, who is always criticized but still raising important questions in his lyrics.Husnorik, public criticism after her divorce could not break her.Teacher Azam, a non-standard young teacher who is criticized by the old generation.Jamshidhon, makes socially important content that you never see on TV.With this people who despite public opinion and stay true to themselves we created a manifest for a new generation of Uzbekistanis. A generation that does not agree with the phrase "What will people say."In just a week, Konsta’s video gained 1 million views, with a young population of Uzbekistan being 19 million. Total reach 12 380 000, which is a 65% of young population in Uzbekistan.
Тип медиа Веб-фильм
Креативный директор
Директор по обслуживанию клиентов
Специалист по работе с заказчиками
Специалист по работе с заказчиками
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Location Manager
Художественный директор по производству
Спецэффекты / видеоэффекты
Casting Director
Makeup artist

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